But mom has an answer for every good reason he gives and every letter he writes. Nov 04, 2012 i wanna iguana by karen kaufman orloff. Dine in or takeout, catering available, delivery available between 11 a. I had to explain to students that we were reading this book as an opinion piece rather than just entertainment. I wanna iguana by karen kaufman orloff lesson plans and teaching resources i wanna something the writer will discuss the persuasive techniques used by alex in the notes he sends his mother in i wanna iguana, as well as the persuasive responses his mother returns.
Day 1 whole group to be used with teachers edition. The green iguana also uses its strong, flexible tail to snap and whip after its attacker. This print and go unit will help your students get plenty of reading practice as close reading routines are implemented and provide great examples for writing a persuasive letter. Students will learn more about persuading their audience through a little boy who is trying to get a pet iguana. Free english vocabulary flashcards about i wanna iguana. Unit 2, week 2, i wanna iguana below are the skills and vocabulary we will be working on for the next 5 days. I wanna be an iguana this is iggy, our resident iguana, making whoopee on the roof after jumping down from one roof, running across the fence top and then making a flying leap on to the other roof. In a series of letters, alex works to convince his mother to let him have the new pet. This packet includes 20 higher order question cards to ask while reading the main selection i wanna iguana. This lesson can be adapted to any story that includes some type of persuasion. Pdf i wanna new room download full pdf book download. The story is about letters between a child and a mother regarding an iguana. Each day includes vocabulary and skill coverage, partner work, questions and grammar.
After playing an online interactive button game included, writers will compose persuasive notes to. The lesson on this page is featured in the northern nevada writing projects six by six guide. Ever since their baby sister came along, alex has been forced to share a room with his little brother, ethan, and its a nightmare. David catrow is the illustrator of many picture books including stand tall, molly lou melon and its sequel have fun, molly lou melon, written by patty lovell. I wanna iguana trifold reading street 3rd grade unit 2. Iguanas have excellent sight allowing the iguana to detect movement from incredibly long distances. Find thirtyfive additional lessons for primary writers in. I just got this closeup shot from condos casa rey, where we. When alex decides he wants a pet iguana, he has a hard time convincing his mother that having a giant reptile around the house is a good idea. Sometimes, it is hard to tell from just the title as to what the authors purpose may be. Jul 28, 2015 after reading the book i wanna iguana, students fill in this organizer to help them organize their thoughts for an opinion writing piece. Then we discussed whether or not those were valid reasons. Target skills comprehension skill compare and contrast compare by telling how two or more things are alike.
Wanna iguana in my students hands and told them, i want to know what you notice in this text. Working in pairs, i want you to mark your noticings as you read through the text, i explain. After reading the book i wanna iguana, students fill in this organizer to help them organize their thoughts for an opinion writing piece. This lesson is for recognizing the authors purpose. Karen kauffman orloff reads her book out loud and you follow along. Pdf i wanna iguana download full pdf book download. Although this text is a persuasive essay, it is being used to show students that an opinion can be supported with evidence and reasoning. These questions vary in levels according to webbs depth of knowledge, and may also be sorted into the criss strategy qar question and answer response categories.
This is i wanna iguana by brandi on vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. I wanna iguana kindle edition by orloff, karen kaufman, catrow, david. An iguana enclosure should be at least twice as long as the iguana and should be a minimum of six feet high, as they like to climb. Included are two versions one with page numbers and one without. Through an amusing exchange of notes, alex tries to convince his seemingly unshakable mother that he should be allowed to adopt a friends baby iguana. This organ allows the iguana to become completely aware of its surroundings a necessary feature for survival. This is a 4 day comprehensive powerpoint covering i wanna iguana by karen kaufmann orlaff. Next, i had them think of a pet that they would like to have, and create a circle map giving all the reasons why their. Take your hr comms to the next level with prezi video. Iguanas like to have a basking zone that is around 90 degrees fahrenheit and should have a. The iguana is a large docile species of lizard, meaning that iguanas are often a popular choice when keeping exotic pets iguanas have excellent sight allowing the iguana to detect movement from incredibly long distances. See more ideas about persuasive writing, mentor texts, writing.
Karen kaufman orloff is the author of many books for children including i wanna iguana, i wanna new room, and i wanna go home, all inspired by her sons pet iguana who quickly grew to be over four feet long and take over his room. My students love the book, and have enjoy the lesson because it gave them the opportunity to try to talk their parents into something. Third grade weekly study skills unit 2, week 2, i wanna iguana. Click here to see how to order your own copy, which contains thirtyfive other trait lessons besides the one on this page. Third grade weekly study skills unit 2, week 2, i wanna. I wanna iguana question cards third grade reading street.
Ethan always breaks stuff, snores like a walrus, and sticks crayons up his nose. The iguana is a large docile species of lizard, meaning that iguanas are often a popular choice when keeping exotic pets. In this clip, a teacher reads the story i wanna iguana. Mar 27, 2012 i started out by reading the book i wanna iguana. He uses his creative ways and puts his arguments into writing. Found in the mouth of the iguana is the jacobsons organ which helps it collect scent molecules from the air to be quickly identified. A letter that asks for something friendly letters inspired by i wanna iguana whos writing the letter. We talked about the reasons alex used to persuade his mom to let him have the iguana. Alex wants to convince his mom to let him have an iguana. I wanna iguana and its two companion books i wanna new room and i wanna go home, written by karen kaufman orloff.
Alex, the main character, tries to convince his mom to let him have his friends iguana as a pet. Big ideabig question this is the theme of our unit in class. Come along and follow a year in the life of a young boy and girl as they discover their many different and everchanging emotions, including joy, fear, anger. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading i wanna iguana. This is a great story to teach students about persuasive writing. Nov 28, 2011 karen kaufman orloff is the author of many books for children including i wanna iguana, i wanna new room, and i wanna go home, all inspired by her sons pet iguana who quickly grew to be over four feet long and take over his room. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Model and think aloud for students the process of finding out the authors purpose within the text. No hardworking, wellbehaved, practically grownup boy like alex should have to put up with. Alex knew his mom didnt want him to have an iguana, so he addressed her concern right up front, which is a very persuasive. I wanna iguana by karen kaufman orloff ilustrated by david catrow genre.
She doesnt want to do all the work herself so she decides to place a help wanted ad in the newspaper. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Iguana is planning another fiesta and the three animals have moved away. Energy is high, although students dont quite grasp the journey on which they are about to embark. Iguanas are native to the jungles of central and south america, and the caribbean. For example i wanna iguana authors purpose three corners. I wanna iguanaby karen kaufman orloffillustrated by david catrowunit 2 week 2. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets.
I wanna iguana is a great choice as a mentor text for persuasive writing. After playing an online interactive button game included, writers will. I wanna iguana by karen kaufman orloff, david catrow. I wanna iguana kindle edition by orloff, karen kaufman.
She also writes a humorous column on family life every other week for the poughkeepsie journal. It is aligned with the pearson reading street series and is geared toward 3rd grade. I wanna iguana by karen kaufman is a funny, amazing and clever book to read when teaching about persuasive writing. This rhyming picture bookfrom the author of the bestselling i wanna iguana series and miles of smilesis a moving, powerful, delightful exploration of a childs shifting feelings. Free flashcards to help memorize facts about unit 2, week 2. I wanna iguana when alexs neighbor mikey moves away, he offers to give alex his baby iguana. By using i wanna iguana, it is creating a hook and basis for opinion writing for students. This lesson was designed to show students how to state an opinion, provide a reason and example for each of those reasons. This is a trifold that can be done independently or in small groups for the story i wanna iguana of the 3rd grade reading street series. Alex tries to convince his seemingly unshakable mother that he should be allowed to adopt a friends baby iguana.
I wanna iguana opinion writing activity teaching resources. Other activities to help include hangman, crossword, word scramble, games, matching, quizes, and tests. Each letter to his mom includes different reasons as to why he deserves this pet and why he would be a good owner. This lesson is centered on persuasive vocabulary and the book, i wanna iguana, by karen kaufman orloff.
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